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Product Reviews Policy

Product Reviews Policy

  1. Background and purpose
    1. Matt Blatt Pty Ltd trading as Matt Blatt Group and its related bodies corporate (Matt Blatt Group, Matt Blatt, we, us or our) introduced this Product Reviews Policy (Policy) on 20/09/2022 for the purpose of:
      1. ensuring reviews on focus on the customer’s experience with the product itself;
      2. ensuring reviewers giving a product 3 stars or less provide a comment to enable us and other consumers to understand any concerns with the product; and
      3. outlining our product review policies, guidelines and conditions, and how we manage reviews left on products on
    2. Matt Blatt will review product reviews before publication on
    3. By submitting a product review on, you agree to this Policy and acknowledge that we may remove or refuse to publish any product review that does not comply with this Policy.
  2. General requirements
    1. If you submit a product review on, you must ensure the review:
      1. is only made if you have purchased the product on;
      2. is comprehensible;
      3. directly relates to the reviewed product;
      4. is not solicited by a third party;
      5. is not created or conducted with a commercial or personal interest in the manufacturer or the supplier of the product;
      6. does not contain language that could be considered defamatory, offensive, hurtful, or abusive; and
      7. does not include personal contact information or identifying details, including full names, email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, or other such information.
      8. is not misleading or false, whether in whole or in part.
    2. If you submit a product review with a rating of 3 stars or less, you must provide a comment outlining the reason for the rating provided.
    3. If your product review identifies a discrepancy between the product and its description on Matt Blatt and we update the product listing to address the discrepancy, to prevent confusion arising from outdated or irrelevant information, we may refrain from publishing (or remove) your product review.
  3. Reviews must not mislead or misuse the site

    You must not submit a review that is designed to mislead consumers or that we consider misuses the review functionality offered on If we suspect or become aware of any activity that is deemed to be a misuse of the review function, we reserve the right to remove such content.

  4. Personal information

    By submitting a product review, you agree to our Privacy Policy, which applies to any personal information we collect, share and store when we accept and publish a review.

  5. Intellectual property

    By submitting a product review, you irrevocably assign any and all intellectual property rights in your review, including copyright, to Matt Blatt, and you irrevocably consent to any act or omission by Matt Blatt that constitutes an infringement of any moral rights in any review material submitted by you to Matt Blatt.

  6. Liability

    To the maximum extent permitted by law, we will not be liable to you or any third party for any material authored by you that is featured on our website as part of our review function. You hereby indemnify and hold us harmless against any loss, damage, claim, demand, suit, or action incurred by us as a result of your breach of this Policy.

  7. No endorsement All reviews published on
    1. represent the view of the author; and
    2. are not endorsed by us, nor do they constitute our views.
  8. Updates to this Policy
    1. We may update this Policy from time to time.
    2. Any updates will be effective on the date they are posted to
    3. We encourage you to check this page from time to time for any updates.

Last updated: 03/11/2022

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